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Chelwood Student/ Parent Handbook

Chelwood Contacts

  • Main Office-296-5655
  • Office Hours: 7:00am-3:00pm
    • Para Español - press 1
    • Administration – press 0

Teacher’s extensions are silenced between 7:30 and 2:15. You may call the office to leave a message. 


Student achievement is directly tied to student attendance. We expect our students to be here every day. If students are absent, families need to call the office to excuse them.

Dress Code

Student dress and grooming is to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe, and healthy atmosphere within the school.

  • Hats are to be worn during recess or outside field trips.
  • Shorts and skirts at finger tip length
  • No inappropriate messages or slogans on t-shirts
  • No spaghetti straps/halter
  • No baggie pants
  • No A-line undershirts
  • No makeup


Personal Property/Technology

It is our goal as educators to provide a learning environment free from disruption.

We discourage bringing personal items-toys, electronics, or sports equipment to school. It has the potential to disrupt the educational process and could be lost or stolen.

Electronic Devices

  • Students are responsible for any personal electronic device they chose to bring to school.
  • Devices are allowed on campus before and after school. (8:20 am and 2:40 pm)
  • Devices are to be out of sight and powered off or silenced during the school day. (They should be in back packs or given to a teacher.)
  • Please refer to Chelwood’s Cell Phone Policy.

Health and Wellness

There is a direct correlation between health and achievement. We encourage healthy eating and physical activity at Chelwood.

  • Free breakfast will be served daily in the cafeteria to all students.
  • Because breakfast and lunch are served daily, junk food is strongly discouraged and will not be allowed on the playground.
  • We encourage children to walk, ride, or roll to school daily to increase physical activity.
  • We also encourage students to wear closed toe shoes so they can run and play safely.

Health Room

Our Health Room has a full time RN and Health Assistant. Please follow these guidelines when keeping your student home from school due to illness. This will support your student in recovering quickly as well as decrease the spread of communicable diseases.

  • Acute phase of cold/upper respiratory infection (cough, nasal drainage)
  • Elevated temperature
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea - three or more times in six hours
  • Conjunctivitis or pink eye
  • Untreated impetigo, lice, scabies and similar diseases
  • If antibiotics are needed, the student should remain home for at least the first 24 hours
  • Students with vomiting and/or diarrhea may not return to school until they have not had an incident for twenty-four hours
  • Students with a temperature of 101 degrees or higher may not return to school until they are fever-free without medication for 24 hours


We want students to do at a minimum each night:

  • Nightly Reading
  • Math facts review
  • Teacher’s might add to this homework if they choose.